One of my friends hesitated to speak another language (French) some
years ago. He knew French very well, but he had been said one day by somebody
that his accent was really awful – it really became a sore subject to him.
To be honest, language accent problem is
like a monster that some “advanced” learning language courses scare students by.
But we have to know the difference between pronunciation and accent.
Pronunciation for any language is the correct
articulation of sounds we say. Pronunciation mistakes can result in misunderstanding:
for example, like in words “sin” and “sing”. Incorrect using of consonants can
fully change the meaning of a word. In some languages words are differed by
long and short vowels (“ship” and “sheep”), and mistakes in such cases can
hinder communication and mutual understanding.
But what is an accent and why does it
occur? For many years of native language speaking the muscles of lips and
tongue “get used” for certain sounds and tone features. When we start learning
another foreign language our muscles have to “re-learn” to pronounce other
sounds. It is not easy to some people, and our accent is sometimes heard when
we speak another language.
Pronunciation mistakes can result in mutual
misunderstanding among people, but the accent usually …doesn’t hinder anything!
Maybe, your speech wouldn’t be fully like the speech of native speakers, but
there are speech differences in even different regions of the same country.
Language accent can be even useful in a
manner. For example, British accent is considered very sexy by American women.
So, don’t hesitate to speak another language with your native accent!
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