Wednesday, March 20, 2013

While learning different languages don’t forget your own one!

All of us remember how we learned alphabet, wrote our first letters and words. It was not easy, wasn’t it? Can you imagine that it’s possible to forget the alphabet, or just some letters? Is it possible to forget your own alphabet esp. while learning different languages?

It occurs to Japanese and Chinese students rather often during the last 10 years. The reason of such forgetfulness is the great deal of different technical devices, such as computers and cell phones. The using of such devices displaces the practice of hieroglyphs writing by hand. It’s much easier to type the text than to write it manually.
Chinese girl Lee Hanwey who had learnt thousands of hieroglyphs in her childhood faced the problem of writing skills forgetfulness. Some hieroglyphs have just been erased from her brain. What is more, one of the recent researches has showed that about 83% of Chinese young people face such problem.
Lee says that she has become dependent on her cell phone. When she needs to type something she has to look for the phone dictionary first to call to mind the lettering. This problem is not new – it occurred since the time of the early spread of computers, but it’s particularly relevant in Asia.

A similar phenomenon is that Japanese and Chinese students often forget their native hieroglyphs when they go abroad for studying and when they are inside of foreign language environment while learning different languages. In such cases they have to use dictionaries to understand …their parents’ letters.

So, if you learn Chinese, Japanese or other languages and cannot remember some letters or words – don’t worry! There are people who have problems with their native language. While learning different languages try to keep calm and patience, learn the language regularly – and you’ll be succeed!

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